
The template module makes Sinuous a real powerhouse in the UI performance benchmarks. It offers a way to pre-render a template or HTML snippet with defined dynamic expressions. This template can then later be cloned in the fastest way possible, it uses the native Element.cloneNode() under the hood.

import { h } from 'sinuous';
import { template, t, o } from 'sinuous/template';

const Row = template(
() => html`
<tr class=${o('selected')}>
<td class="col-md-1" textContent=${t('id')} />
<td class="col-md-4"><a>${o('label')}</a></td>
<td class="col-md-1">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove remove" />
<td class="col-md-6" />


It looks similar to using a component but there is a big difference in the way the HTML snippet is created. Once the template Row() function is called the statics of the HTML snippet are cloned in 1 DOM operation while a regular component with html`` tag would create every node with properties and content one by one which makes a costly difference in performance.

  • o is an observable tag. It adds a proxy on the passed object property and repeats the recorded tag action when set.
  • t is a normal tag.

The Row in this case would accept an object like in the below example.

Row({ id: 1, label: 'Banana', selected: 'peel' });

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