
Components make it possible to split the UI into re-usable, isolated pieces of code. A component is a plain JS function which can be re-used by adding <${Component}/> to your view. A component returns a regular HTML element. No render function needed. Any defined attributes are passed to the component as props.

import { o, html } from 'sinuous';

const Timer = props => {
const seconds = o(0);
return html`
<div>${props.unit}: ${seconds}</div>

<${Timer} unit="Seconds" />


Composing Components

For every level of detail it's possible to create a component. They can be re-used and nested endlessly.

function Welcome(props) {
return html`
<h1>Hello ${}</h1>

function App() {
return html`
<${Welcome} name="Sara" />
<${Welcome} name="Cahal" />
<${Welcome} name="Edite" />

<${App} />


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A Bigger Example

function Comment(props) {
return html`
<div class="comment">
<${UserInfo} user=${} />
<div class="comment-text">
<div class="comment-date">

function UserInfo(props) {
return html`
<div class="userInfo">
<${Avatar} user=${props.user} />
<div class="userInfo-name">

function Avatar(props) {
return html`
<img class="avatar" src=${props.user.avatarUrl} alt=${} />

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